This is what I'd propose, and maybe we'd get friendly agreement here. I would propose that in the fourth line down, where it says “of section 47.1 of the Canadian Wheat Board Act”, delete “prior to any” and put in “with respect to legislation”, and delete “being”. Therefore it would read “...with respect to legislation introduced by the government concerning the Canadian Wheat Board”, period. Then in the next sentence, where it says “Any proposed legislation”, delete “proposed” so that it would read “Any legislation to the Canadian Wheat Board Act”.
So it would read, starting at the fourth line,
of section 47.1 of the Canadian Wheat Board Act with respect to legislation introduced by the government concerning the Canadian Wheat Board. Any legislation to the Canadian Wheat Board Act which would seek to exclude barley or wheat from the single desk selling authority of the board requires first consultation with the board and second approval by producers in a vote authorizing that specific exclusion.