No, I wouldn't think it's a problem at all. I know for a fact that farmers are doing it this year to try to hang on to the high grain prices. Sooner or later this bubble, we think, is going to break, at least in the short term.
Some producers are doing this with inputs as well, the problem with that being that farmers are generally short of cash because they're trying to catch up from decades of low profits, so the cash isn't out there. They're having to replace worn-out machinery, having to upgrade some buildings as well, and pay off long-term debt.
Believe it or not, even though the grain prices were high, that affects people who have had a good crop, and last year in Saskatchewan not everybody had a good crop. A good part of our grain belt is dry; probably about 40% is below normal right now. We have lobbied the federal Minister of Agriculture for some time on this. There's a severe drought in the northwest area of the province, and that's a big part of our grain belt. There's still a herd out there, believe it or not.
So farmers are trying to do this, trying to save money by pre-buying, but the cash isn't always there.