Yes. We have gone to the George Morris Centre to take a look at the market conditions and to make some recommendations about things that farmers can do in order to better ensure that they have value from their fertilizer dollar. There are management tools that farmers can take advantage of, such as some opportunities for hedging; there are better techniques for negotiating with dealers. Certainly in terms of their fertilizer use, they want to go to soil test; they want to make sure they're taking advantage of the best management practices so they're getting the maximum benefit from every tonne of fertilizer they're putting on their farm. We're going to be releasing this report, which is an independent report from the George Morris Centre, in the next few weeks. We think it could be very helpful.
In terms of better information, Agriculture Canada spends a considerable amount of resources looking at this issue every year, as they have over the years. Certainly I think provincial governments are looking at this issue. There is quite a bit of other information as well. There is market information through Green Markets, which looks at the North American market. I think farmers have to work to be informed consumers, as does anyone in the market. They're in business like our agri-retailers are and like our companies are.