We have about 98 people working in the veterinary drugs directorate. The veterinary drugs directorate is made up of veterinarians. We have toxicologists. We have pharmacologists. We have chemists who specialize in chemistry and manufacturing. We have some people who do policy. I could come back with some numbers for you.
We have three divisions. One is the clinical evaluation division, which looks at a submission from the animal health and safety perspective. We have another division, the human safety division, that's involved with antimicrobial resistance. They are involved with the setting of MRLs, the international cooperation in terms of harmonization with MRLs, and withdrawal periods. Then we have the chemistry and manufacturing division, which looks at the chemistry and manufacturing of the products coming through.
There is real interaction here. When a submission comes in, it's divided into three parts--chemistry and manufacturing; if it's a food-producing animal, then a chunk of the submission will go to the human safety division; and then it's clinical evaluation. So there's real interaction between these three, coming in at regular intervals to talk about the drug so that everybody is aware of what's going on before a decision is made to approve, to send a letter for additional data, or to reject.