An issue that comes to mind is a recent issue with our hog industry involving sickness that it was possible to mitigate with medication. How closely can we mirror what the Americans are allowed to use, given that meat flows back and forth and that we have a protocol whereby basically we accept here in Canada the standards that they deem safe for their people?
How do we mirror what they are allowed to use? In many cases, as PRMA would have us know, products are used in the States to produce product there that we buy into Canada, and yet we're not allowed to use those, in that case, pesticides.
In the case this morning, we're talking about animal medicine. There are medications that are used down there. How can we justify to the consuming public in Canada that the product bought from the U.S. in this case, and we'll stay with the U.S. for a moment, is safe for us to consume, when we can't use that medication here? How do you justify that to the producer of hogs, swine, cattle, or whatever, who is coming to you and saying, we want this product because we know it works, but it's not yet proven here in Canada? How do you make that justification? Rationalize that against the argument.