To answer your second question first, we would have approved those mergers under a review. While 35% is a set guideline and is what we call a safe harbour, in certain circumstances we'll allow a merger that attains a higher market share than that, particularly when the barriers to entry into the industry are not high. It's a technical area, but we would have allowed those particular mergers.
As for their ongoing operation, were they to do something that affected a smaller competitor such as Better Beef or some of the smaller Ontario packing houses, or some of the newer packing houses that are trying to open and get off the ground, were they to try to put them out of business, that would certainly raise an issue under the abuse provision. So once they get through 35%, we have a very close watch on them.
To answer the first part of your question, were those large packing houses with high market shares in pork or beef to do things like enter into exclusives that would tie up a large grocery chain or make it difficult for smaller packing houses to make sales, we would want to look at that.