Mr. Chairman, why don't I start the responses?
First, let's talk about yogourt for a few minutes. Yogourt has been a tremendously exciting and successful product in the dairy industry. In the last 15 years or so, it's experienced 5% to 10% growth per year, so Canadian consumers are demonstrating their interest in purchasing dairy ingredients through yogourt as the dairy product.
I must say that probably 100%--99.9%--of the yogourt sold in Canada is made in Canada. It's processed in Canada. The ingredients are somewhat complex. Yogourt will have sugar. It will have flavours. It will have fruit. It will have active bacterial cultures, and much of that is imported. Many of those ingredients, those small but very significant ingredients important to creating yogourt, are imported.
Probiotics, the active bacterial cultures that are dramatically pushing consumer demand in yogourt, are imported. So if you're trying to determine whether a product like yogourt, which is so important to the dairy industry now, is 100% Canadian because it requires 100% ingredients for a designated mandatory “Product of Canada” labelling, it just won't work.
Those are the problems we encounter when we start thinking about a specific “Product of Canada” designation, and that's why one has to be very careful about looking at a mandatory requirement versus a voluntary requirement.