I would disagree with both Guy and Larry, because KVD does benefit the producer. One of the reasons Canada is seen as the best quality supplier in the world is because of our grading system. Having said that, I think certainly whether it is the hog industry or the livestock industry, if there were another method of assuring the quality of the grain we are exporting out of the country, such as using black box technology or something else, then doing away with the KVD would certainly be a benefit to growing new and perhaps more productive crops with other characteristics.
But what is at risk here is our quality control system. The minister jumped the gun. He is coming in with a proposal without the assurances on the other side that our quality control system won't be jeopardized.
I know Guy said the Canadian Wheat Board has a plan in place. That's not what I've been told. So unless we can have a witness here from the Canadian Wheat Board and the Canadian Grain Commission who is going to tell us that there won't be a problem on August 1 and that our quality system won't be jeopardized by this move, I have no choice but to support this motion.