Thank you, Mr. Chairman and distinguished and honourable members of the committee, for this opportunity to appear before the committee in support of its very important work.
My name is Dr. Brian Evans. I am the executive vice-president of the Canadian Food Inspection Agency—an additional role since my last appearance before you—otherwise known as the CFIA, and the Chief Veterinary Officer of Canada.
As the committee is aware, the CFIA serves Canadians by providing protection from preventable health risks, delivering a fair and effective regulatory regime, sustaining the plant and animal health resource base, and promoting the security of Canada’s food supply and the support for domestic and international market confidence thereof.
From what I understand, the committee would be interested in five main topics today: food safety, food inspection fees, the reciprocity of US fees, tuberculosis testing in Manitoba, and specified risk material, or SRM, in particular the implementation of the enhanced feed ban.
I will say a few words about each topic and then certainly invite your questions.
Food safety is of course the Agency's top priority. For that reason, we welcomed the reaffirmation of the importance of food safety in the Speech from the Throne.
Factors affecting food safety, such as globalization and consumer demand, are constantly evolving, so we cannot afford to become complacent. For that reason, we are taking steps to adapt our inspection approaches and improve the quality assurance programs of the industry to protect Canadians from unsafe food and products, to cooperate with international partners to improve the safety of food before it arrives at our borders, and to raise awareness among Canadians about food safety.
With respect to food inspection fees, the CFIA was created, as many will know, in 1997 to be partially dependent on revenues from inspection services. Many of Canada's trading partners also charge fees for inspection programs and services. Each country sets fees in response to its own circumstances, the result of which can lead to differences in relative cost of services paid by competitors. The CFIA's user fees, of course, have been frozen since 1997.
With respect to TB testing in Manitoba, the CFIA surveillance strategy for bovine tuberculosis in the area of the Riding Mountain National Park includes regular testing of approximately 650 herds of cattle. The current testing plan was agreed to by the Manitoba Cattle Producers Association in September 2007.
Testing is done to protect the health of livestock in the area and maintain the area's status as TB-free, which is critical to maintaining market access and consumer confidence. Both of these outcomes have a direct benefit for area producers and the Canadian economy.
We know that producers are seeking additional funding to assemble the herds. The CFIA is providing technical advice to discussions between the industry, the provincial government, and federal departments to explore options.
With respect to specified risk material and the enhanced feed ban,
It is always better to deal with a problem directly than to hope it will go away. Certainly, the government has worked hard to deal with the impact of BSE in an upfront and transparent manner, and the international community has appreciated and rewarded our efforts.
Last February, the committee heard how the government ordered the removal of specified risk material, SRM, from the entire feed chain, pet food and fertilizer chains. This enhanced feed ban, which came into effect in July of 2007, is intended to remove upward of 99% of potential BSE in captivity at the top of the chain. This will help us eradicate BSE from Canada within 10 years, instead of over several decades.
The CFIA worked closely with the industry and with the provinces on the enhanced feed ban leading up to the July 12, 2007, implementation date and beyond. This has resulted in a relatively smooth transition. The CFIA has maintained regular interaction with stakeholders since the implementation. The focus of those discussions have evolved from ensuring a clear understanding of the new regulations to one of exploring alternate processes and approaches to achieve the outcome and reduce the implementation costs to the sector.
Thanks to the enhanced feed ban and other measures to control BSE, the World Organisation for Animal Health, known by its previous French acronym of OIE, recommended that Canada be recognized officially as a BSE controlled-risk country in May 2007. This designation will go--and has gone--a long way to restoring full confidence in our cattle industry.
Mr. Chairman, we would be pleased to respond to any questions raised by committee members.