Most of the current work we have, honourable member, deals with BSE-specific, because that is an area where there's been obviously much more extensive research done internationally.
In the case of CWD, Canada, the United States, and Korea are basically the only three countries at this point in time where the disease has been identified. On the level of international investment, although Europe is now making a significant investment in CWD, we don't have the same capacity to model there.
As I did indicate with CWD and scrapie in sheep, there is a long-standing recognition that the transmission opportunities for that type of prion disease are significantly higher than what we see in BSE in cattle. So as I said, the shedding in the environment--through urine, through blood, at the time of calving or lambing--and the distribution of prions in the tissues of those particular species are different from what it is in cattle.