Thank you, Mr. Chairman.
To Mr. Evans, Mr. Prince, and everyone, thank you very much for coming.
Our record on food safety around the world is second to none. I know that the CFIA has had a big part in that. We thank you for that.
It doesn't matter whether it's government, one of our agents, or whatever, there's always room for improvement. You're probably aware that we passed a motion unanimously here on Monday to ask the minister to review all inspection fees charged by the CFIA. I think that's something we should do from time to time.
Basically, my goal when I suggested this motion was to try to address the real competitiveness deficit our producers here have, especially in the livestock industry, compared to their U.S. counterparts. For example, a Canadian exporter pays for inspections and certifications to get his animals to the U.S. Then the American importer faces basically the same fees.
Now, this really throws it out of whack, especially when I find out that the fees paid in the United States actually go to the American cattlemen's beef board, which I presume is equivalent to our Canadian Cattlemen's Association. So the producer groups are able to collect in the States to help fund it.
I'd like you to comment on that issue alone. I have some other examples, but I'd like your initial comments on review of the fees.