Brian's comments sound good, Mr. Chair, but they're a little far from reality.
I do believe, as I said previously, that there's a lot at risk in changing the KVD system. I recognize what's on the website. The Canadian Wheat Board, on its website, in terms of signing a declaration, is basically trying to transfer risk from the Canadian Wheat Board, if there is a screw-up in quality, to individual farmers who sign that declaration. It has nothing to do with our international reputation. This committee needs to be absolutely assured by somebody other than Earl Geddes, by either some of the directors of the Wheat Board or the chair of the Canadian Wheat Board, that this can be handled.
Alex's motion, in fact, doesn't close the door. It says, “...only proceed with its removal when a variety identification system that has gained the confidence of those whose interests are protected by the current KVD system has been put in its place”.
So Alex's motion leaves this committee the option of pulling somebody from the Canadian Wheat Board in here who has the authority to speak for the Wheat Board in a public arena, on the record.
As far as the Canadian Grain Commission and Hermanson goes, I wouldn't accept Hermanson's committee evidence here. We passed a motion at this committee. He's shown to be a mouthpiece of the minister, and the minister wants to move on this. The Canadian Grain Commission's independence has been compromised by that appointment, and we stated that at this committee.
So my position remains the same. We will support this motion, and I would encourage the chair and the government to bring someone forward from the Canadian Wheat Board to give us assurances that our quality system is not going to be compromised. You can bring both the Wheat Board and the Canadian Grain Commission, if you like, but we can have a quick meeting and be assured that our system is not going to be compromised, because we're the best in the world in terms of quality, and let's not jeopardize that.