Perhaps the bills that we mentioned earlier will address this problem. In any case, we will look at this issue closely and take the appropriate action.
In order to reassure the public about the safety of food products, would you be in favour of reciprocal standards? For example, if products such as pesticides or herbicides are banned here in Canada, then similar products from another country should not find their way onto store shelves. If the Americans use a particular pesticide that is banned here in Canada, then why should products treated with this pesticide be allowed into this country? This is the kind of problem that the Agency encounters on a regular basis, but bringing in strict standards to deal with this issues appears to be a very complicated process. Canada does not close its borders. However, while it's unfortunate if certain products banned here in Canada are used elsewhere, those countries that do use these products will need to comply with our standards if they wish to continue shipping their products to Canada.
Does your agency favour this course of action?