I do not at all. In fact, I read what the Federation of Agriculture said. They seemed to be saying we should leave “Product of Canada” alone, but we should have “Grown in Canada”, and they're seeking funding from Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada. That's what I saw. I don't want to be unkind, but if you look at the National Farmers Union, they passed a resolution that we should have a “Grown in Canada” arrangement here. They recommended it to the National Farmers Union, not to the Government of Canada.
The Foodland Ontario arrangement with Ontario is not regulated. The people in Ontario got together on what they wanted to have for promoting Ontario product.
Where you'll have a problem is with things like meat, for example, and this is the problem about the local supplier. No meat can cross a provincial boundary or a federal boundary without it being federally registered; therefore, you're stuck with hundreds of pages of the manual of procedure, etc. That's why a guy south of Saskatoon can't sell his meat into the supermarket in Saskatoon. There's a good reason for that, though. As you probably know, if you're in Saskatchewan, there's no meat inspection. You can raise an animal, slaughter it, sell it, and there's no government role whatsoever. Ontario doesn't want that, so we can't have Saskatchewan uninspected meat going into Ontario. That's a whole other issue. You have to segregate these issues out and not get them mixed up together.