Thank you very much for taking your time to be here.
My first question is for the folks from the CFIA.
I'm just looking at my notes here, and in the financial resources, if we look at 2008-09 and 2009-10, there seems to be a significant decrease in the budget. I am just wondering; it seems there is more need for strong regulation from our CFIA with the scare of products coming in. Are we decreasing the number of inspectors? Are we farming out services that were done by the government before? That is of concern to me.
Maybe I'll just give my other questions first, and then hopefully we'll get back very quickly.
With regard to barley, wheat, the Wheat Board, I'm still not sure if there is or has been a socio-economic study with regard to market choice. If so, is it happening? Has it finished? If so, can we get the results? I'm still not clear on that.
The third question is with regard to biofuels, on this investment that you mentioned is $2.2 billion. Is it realistic to assume that, for example, part of this money could go to a company like Husky Energy, which in all probability will be importing corn from the United States to fuel the plants? In other words, our money will be going to this big company that will be bringing in subsidized corn. Hypothetically, is that possible?
I will stop there with those questions.