It is not hard to go out and sell a quality product. Canadian farm produce is second to none in the world, and we're adapting to new and innovative ways.
Mr. Easter made the point that the soft fruit industry is changing. He's absolutely right, but producers are driving that change. They're taking out their peach orchards and putting in vineyards for grapes because there's better money in vines and making wine. That's up to them. They have to turn a profit on that land. We're seeing property taxes climb. We're seeing input costs climb, so producers have to make those changes.
The worst thing we can do as a government is develop and come out with programs that mask market signals, the status quo, ad hoc types of programming. What happens with that is you end up maintaining the status quo, which oftentimes doesn't let the market send a signal through to the producer to make that change. We've seen that over the years.
Everything in this country at the processing level was developed on a low dollar and on the strength and quality of the Canadian product. We still have the strength and quality of the Canadian product and now we have to get out and do it in a more productive way because the dollar has come back to where it probably should be historically. It might be a little high but it's where it is, and producers are struggling with that on input costs and so forth.
At the end of the day the strong survive, the market will right itself, and producers will continue to forge ahead and give us that quality product that they do so well.