Perhaps I can begin to respond, and my colleagues may wish to supplement my response.
I can't really comment on the specific cases you raise, but it's clear a whole range of factors are in play that are really challenging the sector and its ability to succeed. The committee is very familiar with them, from the rapid appreciation in the dollar to the rise in input costs to new global competitors.
I guess as we've gone through the discussions on the Growing Forward framework, we've had a number of rounds. A whole range of these issues have come up. It's quite clear, as one would expect, that there's no one simple solution, but it's also clear, from what we've heard, that there has to be a focus on competitiveness issues, on innovation, on issues that impinge on the ability of the sector to compete, whether it be regulatory costs and so on.
So I think what you see in the Growing Forward framework, the consensus that has been developed between the federal government and the provinces, based on a lot of very detailed consultation with industry, is that you need a framework to address these issues, a long-term framework that goes to fundamental competitiveness issues: the role of innovation in that sector and the factors that affect competitiveness.
I realize that's not a simple answer, but I don't think there is a simple answer to address these issues. I think it requires collaboration and partnership and looking thoroughly at all those issues in the context of a collaborative framework.