I can't give a categorical answer to the kind of question you're asking, but I can tell you, by consulting the document as it is written, that it is impossible for that not to have an impact on jobs. Will the people be assigned to other duties? Will they be relocated? As no details on the implementation of the changes were made public, everything is possible, but we can't comment on the specific impact that will have.
What we're asking of the Canadian Food Inspection Agency is that it tell us what impact this will have on the members we represent. The new Public Service Modernization Act requires that the bargaining agents be consulted in the case of any reorganization, restructuring or measure that can affect the day-to-day work of the employees we represent. That's the only thing we ask of the agency, but, as everything is being done in secret, in the context of this matter in particular, the doors are closed and nothing is getting out.