I am going back to risk management. Earlier, we mentioned some programs. I think that Wayne is right when he says that we talk about it in committee, we talk about it outside the committee, but we do not know all the details. We have indications that suggest that we will be moving to one modality or the other, but we are not sure. I repeat that I am afraid that the government is going to impose programs at some stage. All that we would be able to do then would be what we do when we get programs imposed on us that do not work for us: try to point out the problem.
We would prefer to deal with these irritants by knowing the details before they are implemented. The disaster program is one that concerns me a little. Provincial ministers and the federal government have decided to extend present programs for a year, so we know even fewer details of the major disasters program.
What do you expect from a disaster program? With the mad cow crisis, dairy producers were dealing with a major disaster. Avian flu is also a problem. What do you expect from a program of this kind?