I think I indicated that producers haven't asked for ad hoc payments, but they've certainly asked for assistance. I don't want to give the impression that they haven't asked for assistance.
Again, in addressing the liquidity issues, I think it goes without saying that the problem is a very difficult one, and we need to address it with the industry in a way that builds on existing programs but respects the trade obligations. That's critically important and has been recognized by the industry.
In terms of different programs and circumstances, in the BSE situation we were facing a different issue that was essentially driven by border closure and initially almost a market collapse. All I can say is that when we give advice on the developmental programs we take into account the trade context, because if we don't we can compound the issue over time.
In those circumstances, with the various responses the government developed as the situation developed, we were comfortable that they were reasonably safe from a trade perspective. We'll continue to do that.