Yes, of course. The three big non-business risk management programs under the APF that applied at the farm level were the environmental farm planning and best management practices aspect of environment, which involved essentially farmers engaging in a planning exercise to look at the environmental risks associated with their operation, and then assisting in addressing those through best management practices.
We saw take-up of those programs really take off under the APF, beyond what we had predicted. I think we had, at last count, about 70,000 environmental farm plans in place, and as we went through the consultations we saw a desire to continue—perhaps adjust those programs, but continue in them. What we're looking for is to roll that kind of program into an integrated approach, where we do the environmental farm planning, the food safety, and renewal-type business management programming in a suite of programs, so that we can address it, rather than by having three or four or five or six people coming onto the farm with different programs, with one approach, where you'd look at the whole and then plan over a period of years how to implement those kinds of practices.
As I mentioned, the environmental farm planning was quite successful, and we've seen as we talk to producers a real interest in pursuing it. That's an interest shared by most, if not all of the provinces, so we'd be looking to continue it.
In terms of food safety, we had a lot of emphasis on building recognized food safety systems commodity by commodity. We have about 16 out of 19 commodity groups who have reached the stage of almost having those systems recognized, this work being led very much by producers. I think the discussion as we go forward with Growing Forward will be about how we implement those, reflecting the demands being placed on producers by the marketplace to put in place HACCP-like systems and so on.
Then, on business management practices, there have been a lot of discussions and consultations about how we can best provide those services to producers.
In general, those are the three types of programming we sell and the focus of the discussions going on.