With respect to the new suite of programs, basically we went through an extensive consultative process with producers and national industry organizations in developing the programs. On the AgriStability program, a margin-based program, we started that exercise I believe in May 2006. An industry-government task team looked at a lot of options in terms of alternative programming. At the end of the day the recommendation was to stick with the margin-based program. We needed to make some significant improvements, which we have made, including the inventories, the targeted advance mechanism, expanding coverage for negative margins.
As well, as part of the Growing Forward consultation exercise, it was becoming clear that in addition to a margin-based program, industry was saying that we'd need a producer savings account type of program. That decision was made earlier this year, to put the AgriInvest program in place for the top tier of the previous margin-based program.
I guess the short answer is that we've consulted every step of the way with industry on the development of both the AgriStability and the AgriInvest programs.