We can tell you the amount of cash that's been paid out since January 1. In fact, I think you've recently been provided with what we call the one-pagers. They give a summary of all the program payments. In there you'll find the 2006 CAIS payments that have been paid to date. This is for all producers. We don't like to get commodity-specific for trade reasons, but I think you'll see, for 2006, that it's about $500-plus million. We're forecasting for 2006 well over $1 billion. It will probably be closer to $1.4 billion at the end of the day. We're in the midst of processing 2006 applications, because producers tend to wait to the deadline to file their applications.
On the $400 million cost-of-production program announced in May, $325 million is out the door for that initiative, as well. Again, I think that's in the one-pager. So if you go through the one-pager, it will tell you what the program specifics are. But we can provide you with what each of those programs has paid since January 1.