From the early drafts of the innovation and science chapter, there was a focus on taking new technologies from Ag Canada laboratories and our universities to early stage emerging companies and down to the farmer level. That was a key focus in that early chapter.
Another key focus was providing resources to help farmers and ranchers adopt that technology to help them learn and experience the benefits those technologies can bring to their farms and ranches across the country. Those were critical early pieces that have remained throughout.
The focus on a modern regulatory environment is also at the core for many of us here and the folks we represent. Seeing that commitment to a strong, science-based, modern regulatory environment within the innovation and science chapter is very important.
Not to be lost in this is the support for innovative organizations like Pulse Canada, Soy 20/20, the Ontario Agri-Food Technologies, and similar organizations that are searching out new technologies from our universities and helping to connect them with the small companies, the multinationals that are going to develop them.
That's a key component in taking that investment at Ag Canada to our universities, scientists, technicians, and researchers who are working so hard to bring new innovations to our marketplace.