With respect to the other part of that question, the federal support for the industry, one thing would be some clarification on the $50 million for slaughter facilities and flipping that back to a grant instead of a loan so that it's more accessible to the industry.
I'm not intimately familiar with the beef plant on P.E.I., but I know there's been a lot of discussion about a grind line so they can grind hamburger and such to meet the needs of the chains. That program would help them with that.
I've heard in the media that the ACOA grant, which was given awhile ago to the Atlantic beef plant, has now been turned into a loan. There is some confusion around whether it was always a loan or it just became a loan, or it's a non-payable loan, which we'd all love to have. They need some clarification around that.
On the support for the local industry and some of the efforts to do with labelling, I certainly recognize there's a desire to have a national label. Whether that national label needs to have 98% Canadian content is something a lot of people are questioning; they feel that the content is too high. We do need a Canadian program, but we also need to be able to be identified as product coming out of this region.