Thank you, Chair. That's exactly the point I was going to make. The subcommittee is the creature of the parent committee. We are the parent committee. Yesterday, the opposition members, Chair, drove the subcommittee off the rails and tried to change its mandate without submitting a report to the parent committee—all of us here—to change its mandate. This is of grave concern, and this is exactly what I'm addressing today.
I apologize to the witnesses for making them wait, but it's the opposition members who triggered all of this yesterday. If they had just proceeded with the mandate as it had been established here, none of this would be necessary. I say to them that they have to explain to the witnesses why they derailed the food safety subcommittee yesterday.
Let me just finish, Chair. I have a couple of other comments to make.
Mr. Anderson yesterday suggested a compromise to the subcommittee, namely that the subcommittee report back to this parent committee and ask for direction in changing its mandate, which is what it should have done. Unfortunately, the opposition disagreed. Mr. Allen stated his clear intention to introduce a new motion at the subcommittee that would change the mandate of the subcommittee. Clearly, Chair, this is a violation of the mandate that we, the parent committee, gave to the subcommittee.
Additionally, Mr. Chair, the shenanigans of the opposition went further yesterday, against the will of the parent committee and what is clearly stated in Marleau and Montpetit. Once again I quote: “Sub-committees possess only those powers which are conferred on them by the main committee.”
Mr. Chair, clearly Mr. Allen's intent was to expand the powers or change the powers of the subcommittee beyond what was conferred by the main committee. This was clear, because the opposition wished to expand the subcommittee meetings into the fall and winter. Clearly, that is beyond the power of this current committee, as anything may happen after the summer recess concludes. The whips may wish to reconstitute the standing committees of the House and start from scratch. We would have a situation where there is no parent committee, but we have a subcommittee that is suddenly rogue. It would answer to no one and would have no formal powers under the Standing Orders.
Mr. Chair, this is unacceptable. That is why Mr. Anderson made a very reasonable proposal yesterday to the subcommittee. He rightly suggested that the subcommittee prepare a report to this committee—the main committee, the parent committee—asking for clarification and direction on its mandate. Obviously the opposition is too wrapped up in playing their political games to do this.
So, Chair, I would request that as the chair of the Standing Committee on Agriculture and Agri-Food, you instruct the members of the Subcommittee on Food Safety that they must come back to this committee for guidance, if they want to seek clarification on their mandate. However, if the subcommittee will not accept such direction from you, Mr. Chair, then at the next committee meeting I will propose a motion that this committee instruct the subcommittee to stay within its mandate as passed by this committee and to come back to this committee for further guidance.
I'm just giving a notice of motion, Chair, that I believe this is the best course of action to put the subcommittee back onto the rails, within its mandate. The opposition took liberties yesterday that derailed that subcommittee, and it's very unfortunate.
Thank you, Mr. Chair.