I understand your question.
I think there is a bit of history with nematodes on both sides of the border that probably has led to some concerns about this. We're all familiar with what happened in Quebec in 2006.
Also, though, in Idaho in 2006 there was a find. Here again, this is just my understanding, but if you're asking me, the response of the CFIA to the find in Idaho was harsh. They closed the border to washed product from Idaho. So I'm just wondering if there is maybe a little retribution going on there.
In any event, in the seed industry, all of a sudden the rule was in place in the fall, at the last minute, that before anybody could ship in 2007, that nematode testing would have to happen.
As I answer that question, I also should tell you that our farm, for 10 years prior to that, shipped to Mexico. We would get tested for nematodes on our farm every year that we shipped to Mexico, and it was always negative.
So I would say some previous incidents that happened between the two countries probably led to this kind of pressure to start testing for nematodes.