What our trading partner is looking for is a smoking gun. I guess even the single find probably has our trading partner saying there has to be more than that. Through negotiations, CFIA went out looking for it and they couldn't find it.
The way the samples are done is using a GPS system. They went to the original spot where they allegedly--I always throw that word “allegedly” in--found that first nematode, that first cyst, and they dug up a 40-pound sample of dirt right from that spot and they couldn't find anything there. They did very, very heavy testing on that particular field and then the following summer our whole farm was gone over with very intensive testing, and I think that was at the admonition of our trading partners.
I have asked CFIA representatives, because the word on the street now--of course, we don't get told anything, we get it from the street--is that there's going to be one more year of testing on our farm. I've asked the CFIA representatives, “What are you going to tell our trading partners after you go over this whole farm again and there's still nothing?” We think we're being a little bit used as a pawn maybe to protect the reputation. I have to come out and say that.