I'd be happy to come in here and lay it all out for you. I can't do it here, but bottom line is that retail is high volume, very low margins, so our people work on a net margin of 1% to 1.5%.
When you're talking about the meat industry, gross margin in meat is anywhere from 19% to 26%, depending on the store you're in. They're buying it from the packer, and I'm not sure where the margin is at the packer, but that's how it works right now.
When we're looking at the profitability of the store, we're looking at a total mix that includes produce that might be a 30% to 33% mix; deli might be a higher mix; meat is pretty well at 21% or 22% in the grocery store. You look at the total mix to come down to that 1.5% net margin. I'm happy to peel the onion back at some point, but it's tough to do without being able to illustrate it.