Just very quickly to reiterate, as Tim said it's market access: that is the single biggest question mark that exists, to address your question about how much faster we can go. Let's be clear. We are building and opening plants. We are about to commission two new ethanol plants in Canada in the next 60 days. So the construction is happening; the investment continues to happen even, as Tim said, in a very difficult market.
To see the true potential to build out, ultimately it is a question of market access. It is securing the regulatory framework to implement the RFS. Both CPPI and the CRFA would agree that this work simply has not progressed in the timeframe we would have liked. Thus, one of our calls to action and hopefully the voice coming out of this committee directed toward the government is to see the process accelerated. As Peter has suggested, we are part of demonstration initiatives together, we have been part of consultations with key departments together; now it's just time to get the work done and create market certainty to have investment continue to take place.