There's no question. There is research going on in a number of different arenas. Some of that research I've talked about this morning in terms of where industry is participating, particularly around the area of the implementation of the biodiesel mandate. In fact, one of the requirements was to satisfy some issues with respect to the demonstration of the feasibility of the addition of biodiesel, before implementation of the biodiesel mandate at the latest in 2012.
We're also, as an industry, working with universities and examining, for example, some of the issues with respect to the impacts of ethanol and gasoline in the water table when spills occur. So yes, research is occurring. I'm not knowledgeable enough to tell you all of the research that's going on in all of the potential institutes in Canada, but certainly research to ensure that biofuels work for Canadians and that they deliver on the policy objectives that government is seeking is a critical requirement.