Coop fédérée would likely sit down with you and say that they bought their fertilizers for Quebec last year in the fall, and that they paid a price that was in effect before the global economy collapsed. They have the cost of their inventory, and they would say that when they buy and the price goes up, they supply their farmers according to the lower cost of their inventory. This year they got caught with very high-cost inventory, and they would be looking at a dramatic writedown in their costs.
This is a matter of debate. Some farmers are looking at bringing in containers and bypassing the retail system. The retail system, though, operates with a view to long-term service to their farmers. They have made investments in the ports. They've made investments in retail facilities. They've made investments in providing expertise to their agricultural producers. They buy their product throughout the year. This year they would probably say they got nailed by the global economic chaos.
The marketplace will need to sort it out. Difficult decisions will need to be made by both buyers and sellers.