But you are here for the second time before this committee. I want to point out for the record that at this session today—and I call it as I see it—we are doing a study on competitiveness. One of our reasons for bringing the Canadian Wheat Board before the committee as a witness was to deal with the competitiveness question from a marketing point of view. How do they make producers more competitive?
We've heard remarks from the Western Canadian Wheat Growers Association, representing less than 1,000 farmers. We've also heard from the Grain Growers of Canada, who were always here before. I submit to you both that you're here for a reason—to try to provide some background. The members of the government will attempt to go on a witch hunt against the Canadian Wheat Board at this session today. The government's questions will not be about competitiveness; they will be attempting to attack the Canadian Wheat Board, as they've done a number of times. They just cannot seem to accept on the government side—