Producers over the country are investing over $100 million in promotion. That includes school meal programs, nutrition programs, advertising, and marketing. Those tend to be generic. A lot of advertising is also carried out on a joint basis. We will invite brands to join us as well. There's a huge investment on the part of the producers with regard to growing the market. The cheese market is a growing market. There are varieties. I know when I started there were about 80 varieties of cheese in this country. Now we have close to 500 different varieties of cheese. It's a good market. It's continued consumption.
We've lost a great deal in butter, but butter is coming back. The fat concern is going down a bit, and the trans fats and all of this that has taken place has put butter as a more natural product. Therefore, consumers are coming back to butter consumption. We've seen an increase that we haven't seen for many years. We're quite pleased to see that our market is dynamic.
The thing about the price variation in all this, if you look at the chart with the U.S. price of the producers, is that you don't see that at the retail level. Can you imagine having this kind of variation for a product that consumers buy every week so that it triples all of a sudden in one week or in two months and is sold at a third of the price two months later? That doesn't happen. What you see is that when the price drops, the retail price stabilizes; it doesn't drop. In Europe, the farmers have had a 50% loss in returns. You haven't seen a drop of 50% in the retail price of dairy products in the EU. You haven't seen that. What happens is that when the price goes back up, the retailer goes back up at that point. You have a bit of a scaling system when the farmers' price goes up and down like a yo-yo.