Yes. We're quite a bit more complex than just a buyer for farmers. There are a lot of techniques that we use to bring competition into the marketplace. The group of companies, other than just Farmers of North America, now goes well beyond just negotiating on behalf of farmers.
What happened when we entered the marketplace was that we couldn't get the companies to compete, so we had to find and bring in new entities and form joint ventures with companies to access products for our members. We sent out tenders; in fact, it was front-page news in The Western Producer. Back in 2002 we put out a tender for a million litres of product to distributors, retailers, and manufacturers and didn't get one response back. It went back to the Competition Bureau and it just died there. They said suppliers didn't have to supply if they didn't want to.
So Farmers of North America has had to become quite creative. Basically the organization is a for-profit corporation that is owned by my brother and me. We sell memberships—they're $600 apiece—to farmers across Canada. They have to buy that membership every year, and that's really how they vote. If we're doing a great job for them, they will continue with their membership.
We have an advisory board of members from right across Canada who provide input to what the organization does and provide ideas and things we can do to move the organization forward.
We represent approximately 8,000 farmers across Canada, about 15 million acres of production. We go beyond just farm inputs. Our members have asked us to get into marketing of grains. As a matter of fact, we were at a food ingredients conference in L.A. over the weekend and Monday, and I flew through the night so that I could be here today. We are doing such things as trying to find ways of putting lentils and chickpeas and peas into other products that can be used in the ingredient market, and moving our members up the chain. So we have a foods division.
We work in the fertilizer sector. And in crop protection, we have a division that is working on getting registrations so that we can again bring generics into Canada to compete with products that exist here. We have manoeuvred through the difficulties of working with the PMRA to get those registrations.
And we serve grain growers and livestock producers—