Yes, the reference I read was from a letter that Mr. Strahl wrote to the B.C. Landscape Nurseries Association when they queried him on this. But you know, similar to Luc's experience, our applications were filed before we even had access to guidelines that even mentioned seedlings. They were processed before those guidelines were available.
Going back to the question of whether we were ever given a reason, I have to say the reason we were given was that the committee voted us out. To me, that's a rather circular argument, because there was a vote apparently, but no one will provide us with the minutes to prove that. They say they voted us out.
My position is that clearly under legislation and under the implementation agreements, they had no right to vote us out, because they had agreed not to make any of those changes without changes to the legislation first, which clearly do not allow them to exclude agricultural producers on the basis of who they market to. So I still don't have a legitimate reason for why we have been excluded.