One of the issues you have is supply. You spend a lot of money on marketing a specific, and when you do get it into a major chain, you won't have enough meat to satisfy it. All of a sudden, you're going to fall short. You only fall short one week, and they'll delist it. This is the risk of that.
It's a niche market. You need to find a variety store type of environment. If you go to the majors, you need to meet their demands, for the cost of not meeting them is something we don't want to talk about. That's the downside to it. It's to grow it and spend money on marketing and then not have the supply to sustain it. We've seen that. We looked at hormone-free at the Colbex plant. I think if you go through the criteria of hormone-free and organic under that term, I think we're up to about three head a week that would qualify. We can't do much with it.