I guess you're looking for what we currently do. We currently slaughter in establishment 53, which is in Saint-Cyrville-De-Wendover, east of Drummondville. Then we transport the carcasses in quarters by truck to Montreal for fabbing. That process has been effective and efficient in the past. It has capacity for about 4,500 a week currently. That's the new hot boxes that were built through the BSE crisis, to maintain the quality of production and all the food safety interventions.
When you look downstream, where you have to be for tomorrow and your competitive advantage in the marketplace--because that's really what we do to try to solve niches to make a buck--we would look at relocating that fab operation directly off the kill floor and remove the cost of transportation. You're probably looking at an added-value program. I'll use the grinder as an example. We would increase capacity from 4,000 to 5,000 cattle per week in a five-day working period. We would probably look at fat cattle as well, the steer business. That would be like a phase two.
Job one is to make this operation efficient. In yesterday's world it was, but today it's not.
Thank you, André, for the questions.