I understand your thoughts, Randy, and I understand what you're saying, Larry. I have read the report. I have seen the presentation. It's significant. It's not somebody coming here to bash the government. It's not somebody coming here to extol the virtues of NFU. In fact, I think if there is a crisis in the cattle industry, all of us are probably to blame over the last years. It's a good point of departure. It hits on some key issues. I would anticipate that there would be some really hard questions going to this researcher. We're not here to pat him on the back.
If there are points in the report that...you know, they seem logical, but if they're not, let's flesh them out. Let's look at it. I'll make sure everybody has a copy of it as of this week.
It is legitimate. A lot of work has gone into it. Let's use this as a basis, as we move into really finding out what's going on in the cattle industry. That's my rationale for that.