I would like to explain why I tabled this motion. There is definitely a crisis happening in the cattle sector and we need to find other markets. Yes, we can find solutions here in Canada, but a good part of the solution could lie in finding markets outside Canada.
I wanted to have a discussion with these committee members because their comments are important. That is why the motion is a general one, and it's up to us to decide what we would like to deal with specifically. The purpose of the motion was to suggest an idea, to discuss it, and then as a committee to decide on the direction we would like to take with the time we have, for the benefit of our farmers, as I said.
I would like to point out that Minister Ritz has had a lot of success with respect to foreign markets over the past six months, especially in the cattle sector. That is a good start but I thought that the committee could advise the government on where to find other markets, why, and for which specific sectors, etc.
I would like to thank my colleagues for their useful comments. We can certainly come back to this later and make sure, within that discussion, to include more details in order to make sure that we're headed in the right direction.