Thank you, and thank you to all the witnesses.
Jennifer, I agree with almost everything you said. I was on a farm in Nova Scotia on Monday, and out of 250 ewes, they had lost 43 to the coyotes just this summer--it's unbelievable--and that was with fencing. So it's a serious issue.
On the security required for fertilizer chemicals, we did have the June 2009 report, and I forget whether or not the government responded. We need to check into that. We might not have even asked for a response. I've seen that happen in the past, but you would think the minister, out of decency, would respond anyway. In any event, we'll have to check that.
The study here is a little bit different. It is on competitiveness, so I have a few questions specifically to the competitive issue. From my point of view, there are many areas where the government is leaving Canadian farmers less competitive against the United States. The list is too long to go through.
On the tax security credit in the United States versus our nothing, how does that work?