Everything takes a year, because we have to go through the House to change the regulation. The regulation lists the skull, the brain, the dorsal root ganglia, the ganglia, the tonsils, and the eyes. It lists all those under the regulation. If we want to, say, not take the eyes out of the skull, just as an example—don't take that anywhere—we have to come through the House and it takes a year to do it. We're saying take the regulation back to the House, take it out of regulation and put it into policy that is still managed by CFIA and under its scrutiny.
We'd have to review it with the world to see if is going to be accepted. We're not changing anything as far as the rule goes, but it's in policy. Now if we can justify how to remove the brain properly, we can throw 18 pounds into good meat and bone meal. That's what we're working on. But everything you look at is a year away.
On the hype to generate power, that's been looked at. I'm sure there's a time to do it, but we just don't have the time. We've all looked at it and it's a tremendous capital cost. Sorry.