I think you've actually hit the problem and the solution we need to have. That was the meeting I was at and why I didn't show up in Ottawa earlier, because I felt that it was so critical that we develop this. What we are working on right now is a comprehensive plan Canada-wide, where we look at our whole value chain structure of how we actually ensure that the producer has some ability to share in the good times and not carry all the risk in the bad times.
It's nothing against our feed industry, but we are expected to cover the losses when things are lost. All our suppliers say they have to raise prices because they need their margin, and I appreciate that, but right now we take all the risks and get very little of the reward. What we're working at is a plan to maybe change the pricing as well, off the U.S. prices, where we have a built-in-Canada meat price rather than the U.S. price
It's not really simple, and this is going to take us some time, but we will be asking government to help us structure this. We don't want subsidies on it. What we want us is just for you to help us develop the plan and let our industry then work that out in an integrated fashion, whereby ultimately the Lezas, the Stephens, and the Jurgens of the world will still be here five years from now producing hogs.