Thank you very much, Mr. Chairman.
Although I equally disdain what RCAP and the NFU are doing, I do have to respectfully disagree with Mr. Hoback. I'm not sure. I've read the report. It is a very extensive report.
I like a lot of what Alex is talking about when he talks about bringing in...and I think we ought to keep it to three. If we have to have more meetings where we bring in other people, then that's fine. But I hate these meetings where we have six and seven. I was in one just last night where we had six witnesses. You don't get anything out of any of them, you spend your entire meeting on the witnesses giving their presentations. If we on this side disagree ideologically with the report that the NFU brings forward, then we can have people here. If we have a couple of ranchers or somebody who will put the other side of the story, I have no problem with that. But having a good vigorous, wholesome debate on it and fleshing out the pluses and minuses, I don't have a problem with that.
As for how long you allow them, Mr. Chair, that to me is at your discretion. But I do think what Alex is suggesting with having three witnesses here and having a good intense conversation with the three long as it's balanced, that it's not just the NFU and then an NFU supporter. We've had that in the past too, and that doesn't create a balanced dialogue. I think it's important that we have a little bit of back and forth on it and have open discussion. I like a lot of what Alex is saying to that.