From what I'm hearing at round tables, we need to spend more money advertising the benefits of Canadian products, not only here but around the world. Profits are one of the topics of the day. I didn't hear any cattle farmers in the crowd, so anybody can answer this. We had the packing industry here. They spoke about OTM—over 30 months.
There's regulatory disparity. Everybody admits that we need to work on decreasing the $31.70 gap in the regulatory burden on the red meat sector, especially on over-30-month cattle. The solution we have from industry is that we give $24 million proportionately per head. Roughly, you're talking $10 million for cargo, $8 million for Excel, and the rest would be split up. Do you see this as the answer for any industry, or do you think that we should be working on trying to get that money passed through so that farmers get a share of it?
The Canadian Cattlemen's Association comes here and says that they speak on behalf of farmers such as yourselves. They tell us where they think the money should go. I'll just throw that out to you guys.