I should emphasize that I mentioned celiacs just to show that we need to check the safety on the basis of novelty. There's no GM association with wheat right now.
For example, we have done studies at the University of Guelph showing that if you give consumers choice, you can use Bt in corn through genetic engineering. If you have sweet corn, and you don't want to get worms on it, and you want the level of perfection that consumers demand today, you can tell consumers they have a choice: they can have this corn, which is genetically engineered, or this other one that you've had to put three insecticide sprays on. You can ask them which one of these two they want. That's the reality. It's not one or nothing at the level at which the consumer demands it or at the price the consumer demands it.
The other thing is if you reduce things like insects going into the ears of corn, you allow fusarium to get in and microtoxins to get in. Microtoxins can be very unhealthy to human beings and particularly to our swine industry as well.