Thank you for that question.
Again, I don't think I thanked this committee for allowing me into it. I congratulate all of you for your efforts to sustain our industry in this country; that's our objective.
To answer your question, yes, we do feel we qualify. I think we have a real success story. We have a total commitment from the producers in the province of Quebec, as you're aware, of $30 million. You can't ask for much more support than that.
Are we sustainable? It's been there for almost 50 years. There's no reason why we're not sustainable for tomorrow.
We're not looking at increased capacity with that $50 million. We do not support that as an initiative in this country. We have ample capacity. We're looking at efficiencies. That's where we would qualify 100% under that $50 million. Specifically with regard to my operation, yes, it does, within the guidelines.
Do we know where it's at? The moneys haven't flowed. I just heard today a rumbling that it goes to committee tomorrow, all the applications. Maybe you know more than I do, André; that's all I've got.
That said, absolutely we do qualify in the spirit of the $50 million. Again, we look at it for food safety initiatives as well as for increasing efficiencies in this country in the beef sector.