Indeed, last year, red meat slaughter houses received $2 million back to cover the costs they had paid.
Furthermore, one of the recommendations contained in the report prepared by this Committee with the help of the industry and producers was aimed at eliminating regular hour inspection costs for slaughter houses and following more closely the American model. I am not sure, but I believe that the final report was submitted to the minister of Agriculture and Agri-Food. It is our hope that it will be adopted as is.
Another interesting element flowed from the report. Given that all of the inspection fees are frozen for at least 10 years, they no longer fall under the new performance criteria. An annual performance report to Parliament is clearly required for all new fees approved by the government. If the slaughter houses do not perform to standard, coverage of the fees paid out by the slaughter houses and by all of the users of the agency's services will decrease.
It is our hope that the entire report will be accepted.