No question, the two are related. COOL represents a restriction on the ability to generate full-value trade to the U.S. It's a trade protectionist policy, so that means the need to generate full competition from all other markets is part of the solution in addition to challenging those restrictions by themselves.
We have hope associated with the announced agriculture market access secretariat, and there's promise associated with it, but we haven't seen what it is. We need to be deeply involved in generating what it will be. To the committee, I delivered a quick look at what it might be--25 recommendations for what it must embody--and also a copy of a letter signed by 12 organizations to Minister Ritz reinforcing what the elements of success for an AMAS might be.
So there's hope and promise, but the demonstration--that's yet to come. We need to be very much involved in that.
And yes, trade is vital. It's all related.