Perhaps I could just comment on that.
There was one routine motion that I wanted to bring back in front of committee, and that was my request that the government be allowed to have a government member on the steering committee.
I would re-echo some of the arguments that we had put forward before. In order to preserve the neutrality of the chair, it's very difficult on the steering committee to be both the chair, who is expected to be neutral, and the person who advances the government position. I would also underline that in the steering committee, we as the government, if a government member were allowed to be part of the steering, would still be outvoted three to one by the opposition. So it does not pose any kind of voting threat to the opposition.
Chair, I feel it better preserves your neutrality and allows the government position to be enunciated by a government member as opposed to by the chair.
I would like to put that in front of committee. I'm hoping for their approval on that.